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Mur d'images - 144 images
MikroTik botnet uses misconfigured SPF DNS records to spread malware
DMARCbis is around the corner: what's changing
French court blocks popular porn site... subdomain | TechCrunch
Les services DNS sont maintenant soumis aux mêmes restrictions que les FAI | Services en ligne | Le site de Korben
DNS: faisez gaffe aux wildcard ! – Le blog de Seboss666
Have you ever tried to add arbitrary DNS entries to any Pod/Deployment?
phonebook: Manage DNS Records with Kubernetes - Lobsters (github.com by pier-oliviert)
GitHub - Tantalor93/dnspyre: CLI tool for a high QPS DNS benchmark
The Disappearance of an Internet Domain · Liens en vrac de sebsauvage
Warning of unexpectedly missing active key never stops (#2025) · Tickets · ISC Open Source Projects / BIND · GitLab
Malaysia backtracks on DNS redirection decision · Hacker News
M@T D. - "🚨Pour info y a un petit malin qui a réservé le domaine qouv.fr." · Liens en vrac de sebsauvage
Tune up your Kubernetes Application Performance with a small DNS Configuration - DEV Community
Understanding DNS in Kubernetes · Lobsters
Calling time on DNSSEC? | APNIC Blog
Consul DNS en première classe
Messagerie : SPF, DKIM et DMARC pour les débutants · Journal du Hacker
The DNSSEC Root Signing Ceremony · Lobsters
Use of HTTPS Resource Records · Hacker News
Migrating from auto-dnssec to dnssec-policy in BIND - Shaun's Blog
NixOS-DNS: Manage your dns zones with NixOS · Lobsters
X.com is Twitter, but what are [a-z].com? · Hacker News
domainaware/checkdmarc: A parser for SPF and DMARC DNS records
siilike/certbot-dns-standalone: Standalone DNS server plugin for certbot verification
Extend the Login Timeout? · PowerDNS-Admin/PowerDNS-Admin · Discussion #1043 · GitHub
Blocage DNS en France : Vinton Cerf et d’autres personnalités mettent en garde les parlementaires
Timeout of PDA - Large number of zones · Issue #625 · PowerDNS-Admin/PowerDNS-Admin · GitHub
bakaid/dns64perfpp: A C++14 DNS64 performance tester
Benchmarking Authoritative DNS Servers | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore
John Shaft / DNS Tools · GitLab
La proposition ICANN/Verisign permettrait à n'importe quel gouvernement de saisir des noms de domaine en .net, prévient un activiste qui indique que cela pourrait s'étendre aux domaines en .com
Cybersquattage : Nom de famille vs nom de domaine - HAAS Avocats
Gandi & TWS Join Forces to Form Your.Online - Your.Online
Bizarre and Unusual Uses of DNS · Hacker News
dns0.eu — Le DNS public européen qui rend votre Internet plus sûr
DNS over Wikipedia · Hacker News
L11R/go-autoconfig: IMAP/SMTP autodiscover feature for Thunderbird, Apple Mail and Microsoft Outlook
JP Mens 🧅: "Do you need to share your #BIN…" - Mastodon
bortzmeyer/check_expire: A Nagios (and compatible) plugin to check the impending expiration of a domain name. It relies on RDAP exclusively (no whois) and works with every top-level domain with RDAP (which includes all the ICANN ones). - check_expire - La forge Chapril
AdGuardHome: Network-wide ads and trackers blocking DNS server · Hacker News
Tutoriel - Cycle de vie d'une requête DNS. Quel impact sur le réseau ? (JCSA22) - YouTube
The Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
GitHub - cbednarski/hostess: An idempotent command-line utility for managing your /etc/hosts file.
John Shaft / Unbound Adblock · GitLab
GitHub - nobodysu/zabbix-dnscheck: External check for monitoring host's dns entries without access to the server. Supports A, AAAA, PTR, MX and TXT records. With LLD and bulk data sending.
Google Online Security Blog: DNS-over-HTTP/3 in Android
SAN Certificates: How Many Alt-Names are Too Many? - Analysis - HTTP Archive
Gérer ses noms de domaine avec Knot et NSD · Journal du Hacker
Useful utilities and toys over DNS
Managing DNS Zones Using Git | RIPE Labs
GitHub - natesales/q: A tiny command line DNS client with support for UDP, TCP, DoT, DoH, DoQ and ODoH.
.LOL Domain Names | The .LOL Registry
Sites Internet : les TPE et PME françaises se ruent sur l’extension de domaine .fr - Le Parisien
(All) DNS Resource Records
John Shaft / Unbound Adblock · GitLab
GitHub - dns-groot/groot: Static verification tool for DNS zone files
life of a DNS query · le hollandais volant
nandydandyoracle - Configuring systemd-resolved in a NetworkManager Environment
What domain name to use for your home network
How to: Managing DNS zones using Git | APNIC Blog
Fait rare, le « Grand Firewall » chargé de censurer l'Internet chinois, a été mesuré · Journal du Hacker
JP Mens : "dig +short jobs.dnsfilter.com TXT" - Mastodon
bortzmeyer/check_expire: A Nagios (and compatible) plugin to check the impending expiration of a domain name. It relies on RDAP exclusively (no whois) and works with every top-level domain with RDAP (which includes all the ICANN ones). - check_expire - La forge Chapril
John Shaft (ジョン・シャフト) ✅ : "Dans le DNS, le numéro de série dans le SOA d'une…" - La Quadrature du Net - Mastodon - Media Fédéré
why updating DNS is slow
Countless emails wrongly blocked as spam after Cisco's SpamCop failed to renew domain name at the weekend • The Register
Route 53 Let's Encrypt wildcard certificate with acme.sh - nixCraft
GitHub - gronke/email-autodiscover: Use HTTP and DNS to provide MX server configuration profiles to native mail clients like Outlook and Thunderbird.
Aux Etats-Unis, l'entreprise GoDaddy dupe ses employés avec un faux bonus de Noël - Libération
L’empoisonnement du cache DNS est de retour · le hollandais volant
Le déguisement des trackers par Cname – La Quadrature du Net
domain name system - What are all the flags in a dig response? - Server Fault
How to: Deploying DNSSEC with BIND and Ubuntu Server | APNIC Blog
Error response from daemon: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: dial tcp: lookup registry-1.docker.io on server misbehaving · Issue #1317 · docker/for-mac · GitHub
google chrome - Why does putting a dot after the URL remove login information? - Super User
Passez en localghost pour votre environnement de dev – Korben
doh.sh - A highly non-scalable CGI DNS-over-HTTPS proxy in Bash. Have fun.
DoH: (Anti-)Competitive and Network Neutrality aspects | PowerDNS Blog
Stéphane Bortzmeyer / Homer · GitLab
DNS_at_Home · Strak.ch | Actu et liens en vrac
« Ce n’est plus comme avant » : à Hambourg, le blues des revendeurs de noms de domaine - Société - Numerama
L'insécurité du web va-t-elle le tuer? | korii.
CONF@42 - ASN - DNS, quand il y a des problèmes - YouTube
Ces conflits de voisinage qui vous empoisonnent la vie | Infauxsec News
DNS over HTTPS (DoH) arrive, que les FAI et les gouvernements le veuillent ou non ! – Sophos News · Liens en vrac de sebsauvage
Il y'a 20 ans : la guerre du Sex.com fait rage - ZDNet
NS1 Flamethrower: Lightweight, open source DNS performance testing tool - Help Net Security
Anatomy of a Linux DNS Lookup – Part I – zwischenzugs
DNSSEC validation test
FOSDEM 2019 - DNS Privacy panel
How Many .com Domain Names Are Unused? - Slashdot
Be careful where you point to: the dangers of stale DNS records | APNIC Blog
The official release of AdGuard DNS — a new unique approach to privacy-oriented DNS · Liens en vrac de sebsauvage
On Firefox moving DNS to a third party | PowerDNS Blog
cullum/dank-selfhosted: Automated solution for hosting email, web, DNS, XMPP, and ZNC on OpenBSD.
Where will encrypted DNS transports push DNS operators?
Reflexe Dane // /home/lord
How to Prepare for the DNSSEC Root KSK Rollover on October 11, 2018
Google Online Security Blog: Google Public DNS turns years old
A cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS – Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
i❤️.ws: Browse All Emoji Domains
Vous possédez un nom de domaine? Un nouveau règlement européen va renforcer sa protection
France seizes France.com from man who’s had it since ‘94, so he sues | Ars Technica
Will GDPR Kill WHOIS? - Slashdot
smarek/android-unbound-dns: Unbound DNS for Android
curl/doh: libcurl-using application that does DOH (DNS-over-HTTPS) requests, to work out code and logic for later inclusion into libcurl
DNS Resolvers Performance compared: CloudFlare x Google x Quad9 x OpenDNS · Liens en vrac de sebsauvage Cloudflare's New DNS Attracting 'Gigabits Per Second' of Rubbish - Slashdot
Avoir de bonnes résolutions, c’est important | Le blog de 22h43
Configure DNS Over HTTPS in Firefox - gHacks Tech News
https - Is it possible to have SSL certificate for IP address, not domain name? - Stack Overflow
Knot DNS sur Twitter : ""dig @easter.knot-dns.cz. txt ch fortune +short""
SIDN : Keeping the DNS independent and resilient
Use personalDNSfilter to block advertisement on Android - gHacks Tech News
Configurer la résolution DNS dans Docker
joohoi/acme-dns: Limited DNS server with RESTful HTTP API to handle ACME DNS challenges easily and securely.
La Terrible Dependance Envers les Registrars // /home/lord
Vulnerability in ISC BIND leads to DoS, patch today! - Help Net Security
DNS dynamique sécurisé avec nsupdate et BIND9 | Ta vie on s'en fout!
GitHub - tenta-browser/tenta-dns: Recursive and authoritative DNS server in go, including DNSSEC and DNS-over-TLS
Guide ultime du serveur DNS v1 · Journal du Hacker
Noms de domaine : Quand l’Oréal maquille la véritable stratégie du .MAKEUP | SafeBrands
GitHub - evilsocket/dnssearch: A subdomain enumeration tool.
Your Privacy | Public DNS | Google Developers
Do You Have DNSSEC Validation Enabled? — RIPE Labs
CAA checking becomes mandatory for SSL/TLS certificates
.MAKEUP : L’Oréal, « Parce que je le vaux cher » - SafeBrands
DNS Checker - Worldwide DNS Propagation Checker
Oracle optimise ses services cloud en rachetant le prestataire de DNS Dyn
En Finlande, des habitants privés de chauffage suite à une attaque DDoS
Teach Google Chrome to understand custom TLD - Super User
SNCF : à quoi sert donc le TLD .sncf qui a coûté si cher ? - ZDNet
Résolveur DNSCrypt disponible pour tous - Noobunbox
GitHub - jodrell/unbound-block-hosts: a script to convert Dan Pollock's ad blocking hosts file into Unbound local-data.
La consommation DNS de votre navigateur !
Sécuriser SSH avec un enregistrement SSHFP - Noobunbox
Le DNS jusqu'à 10 fois plus rapide en France grâce à un serveur déployé à Paris - ZDNet
OXS15 | Bert Hubert - DNS Matters - Why Subscribers are leaving You: Not Measuring your Customer Experience sur Vimeo
Avec le rachat d’OpenDNS, Cisco se renforce dans la sécurité des réseaux
L’anonymat du WHOIS remis en question à l’ICANN
domain name system - DNS just started resolving my server.prod addresses to - Server Fault
CVE-2014-8500: A Defect in Delegation Handling Can Be Exploited to Crash BIND | Internet Systems Consortium Knowledge Base
Gandi CLI - Gandi in a (nut)shell
How To Setup DNSSEC on an Authoritative BIND DNS Server | DigitalOcean
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