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Mur d'images - 143 images
RamaLama - Hacker News
FreeBSD 14.2 how to run "docker" OCI containers tutorial - December 2024 - 1b5a5dd9 - YouTube
GitHub - hotheadhacker/awesome-selfhost-docker: 🚀 Curated list of open-source, self-hosted projects deployable with Docker and docker-compose. Your go-to resource for amazing self-hostable software.
Exploring K3S on Docker using K3D - DEV Community
gyptazy/ProxLB: ProxLB - (Re)Balance VM Workloads Across Nodes in Proxmox Clusters. A Load Balancer for Proxmox - and more!
FreeBSD 14.2 tries to woo Docker fans • The Register
workadventure/workadventure: A collaborative web application (virtual office) presented as a 16-bit RPG video game
GitHub - bluesky-social/pds: Bluesky PDS (Personal Data Server) container image, compose file, and documentation
New jless(8) FreeBSD Jails List/Manage Tool | 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗
Paperless-ngx Integration With Nextcloud for Smart Workflow
edera-dev/am-i-isolated: Validate the isolation posture of your container environment.
Run Linux Containers on FreeBSD 14 with Podman • gyptazy.com - The DevOps geek
Usage and rate limits | Docker Docs
Annotate container images with build provenance using Cosign in GitLab CI/CD
Build and Run Your Own FreeBSD-native Containers with Buildah, Containerfiles and Podman
I Still Use Python Virtual Environments in Docker · Hacker News
will-moss/isaiah: Self-hostable clone of lazydocker for the web. Manage your Docker fleet with ease
Podman testing on FreeBSD · Lobsters
Popeye · Journal du Hacker
fabriziosalmi/proxmox-lxc-autoscale: Automatically scale cores and ram of LXC containers on Proxmox hosts
Kaniko : Révolutionner vos builds Docker en toute sécurité - DEV Community
🐳 Docker Commands: From Beginner to Advanced for DevOps Engineers · DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Une faille de sécurité vieille de 5 ans a été corrigée dans Docker ! · IT-Connect
Why am I unable to pull LXD images in Container Station? | QNAP
FreeBSD Tips and Tricks: Limiting Process Priority in a FreeBSD Jail - IT Notes
pommee/Pocker: ~ TUI tool for docker ~
GitHub - SaumonNet/proxmox-nixos: The Proxmox Hypervisor, on NixOS [maintainers=@camillemndn @julienmalka]
89luca89/distrobox: Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. Enable both backward and forward compatibility with software and freedom to use whatever distribution you’re more comfortable with. Mirror available at: https://gitlab.com/89luca89/distrobox
kubernetes: new port by Martinfx · Pull Request #145 · Martinfx/FreeBSD-Ports · GitHub
Running containers | Docker Docs
BunkerWeb | Open source and next generation Web Application Firewall
Honeyguide/ansible-pot-foundation: Ansible playbook to spin up a viable foundation host/cluster for pot images, monitoring and alerting, nomad jobs - Codeberg.org
Ce que le plugin Nvidia Device peut apporter à l'apprentissage automatique
Comment surveiller et debugger vos conteneurs Docker ?
FreeBSD Virtual Data Centre with Potluck: DevOps & Infrastructure as Code - Part I
Millions of Malicious 'Imageless' Containers Planted on Docker Hub Over 5 Years · THN : The Hacker News
Cluster provisioning with Nomad and Pot on FreeBSD | Klara Inc
GitHub - samuelkarp/runj: runj is an experimental, proof-of-concept OCI-compatible runtime for FreeBSD jails.
How does Docker run Containers Under the Hood
fishinthecalculator/ocui: Simple text based UI for managing containers
Developing a Neovim Docker Plugin from Scratch · Lobsters
Accéder à son infra de partout: Un bastion Guacamole · Journal du Hacker
A Better Way to Build Reproducible Docker Images with Nix - DEV Community
There are only 12 binaries in Talos Linux · Hacker News
DockGuard: The easiest way to backup your Docker containers · Hacker News
Migration with Docker Official Images - MariaDB.org
Mettre à jour les images Docker : la méthode de Bearstech | blog Bearstech
Installing Alpine Linux on a FreeBSD Jail -
LXD cheat sheet
Docker Networking 101: A Blueprint for Seamless Container Connectivity - DEV Community
NixOS has one fatal flaw · Hacker News
Run the Docker daemon as a non-root user (Rootless mode) | Docker Docs
Tutoriel vidéo Docker : Tester S3 en local avec MinIO | Grafikart
LazyDocker simpliflie l'administration de Docker | Stéphane ROBERT
Linux Containers - Incus - Introduction
Run PostgreSQL. The Kubernetes Way · Hacker News
HOT Reload in Docker - DEV Community
CEPHFS vs NFS For Docker cluster data storage?
Docker Secrets Best Practices: Protecting Sensitive Information in Containers - DEV Community
Ubuntu Core as an immutable Linux Desktop base | Ubuntu
Kubegres : l'opérateur Kubernetes clé en main pour PostgreSQL - Capdata TECH BLOG
Un cluster Kubernetes gratuit pour vos labs persos ! - part 1
Backup and Restore with MyDumper on Docker
Proxmox et erreur de mise à jour - Cachem
How to set up Rails, Redis, and Postgres with docker-compose in 2023 | by Gustavo Inzunza | Jan, 2023 | Medium
Sickcodes/Docker-OS X: Run macOS VM in a Docker · Hacker News
Gérer Docker depuis une interface Web avec Portainer · Journal du Hacker
S'embarquer dans Kubernetes from scratch (ou presque). · Journal du Hacker
Docker can slow down your code and distort your benchmarks
Les WebUIs, TUIs, GUIs pour Kubernetes – Episode 01
GitHub - p8952/bocker: Docker implemented in around 100 lines of bash
JVM in a Container | Merikan Blog
NixOS : Activer le support des machines virtuelles de LXD avec Flakes | Adaltas
Proxmox - Tips and tricks · Journal du Hacker
GitLab.org / incubation-engineering / AI Assist / Dokter · GitLab
linuxserver/docker-emulatorjs: Web based retro emulation frontend with rom scanning and automated art ingestion.
google/cadvisor: Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers.
Mastering the Docker Cache · Hacker News
Un portage de Proxmox pour Raspberry Pi
Exécuter macOS dans Docker avec des performances quasi-natives
Run Distrobox on Fedora Linux - Fedora Magazine
Kubernetes - Kubevious le tableau de bord de vos clusters · Journal du Hacker
Dockerfile - Les bonnes pratiques (Guillaume Lours et Jérémie Drouet) - YouTube
sebsauvage : ":linux: #Linux #sécurité Rappel: Si vous êtes …" - Framapiaf
From localhost to Kubernetes - YouTube
GitHub - dty1er/kubecolor: colorizes kubectl output
GitHub - armosec/kubescape: kubescape is the first tool for testing if Kubernetes is deployed securely as defined in Kubernetes Hardening Guidance by to NSA and CISA (https://www.nsa.gov/News-Features/Feature-Stories/Article-View/Article/2716980/nsa-cisa-release-kubernetes-hardening-guidance/)
How to improve your Docker containers security - [cheat sheet]
Manage FreeBSD Jails with Ansible - part 3 | eoli3n
Bastille: créer des templates pour vos Jails FreeBSD · Journal du Hacker
How to set up FreeBSD 12 VNET jail with ZFS - nixCraft
Proxmox Backup Server: intro' et premiers pas · Journal du Hacker
BackupPC - Serveur de Sauvegarde · Journal du Hacker
Bunkerized Nginx – L’image Docker Nginx sécurisée · Korben
Ansible : Comment générer des labs et tester ses playbooks facilement · Journal du Hacker
Other - blacklistd on host system usage for jails | The FreeBSD Forums
XORDDoS, Kaiji Botnet Malware Variants Target Exposed Docker Servers - TrendLabs Security Intelligence Blog
Sécuriser l'accès à sa socket Docker · Strak.ch | Actu et liens en vrac
brouberol/marcel: Le docker français · Liandri's Links.
Error response from daemon: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: dial tcp: lookup registry-1.docker.io on server misbehaving · Issue #1317 · docker/for-mac · GitHub
GitHub - wagoodman/dive: A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
Chérie, j'ai rétréci Docker - part 1/3 · Journal du Hacker
Générez automatiquement vos fichiers docker compose avec docker-autocompose · Journal du Hacker
DomiStyle/docker-idrac6: iDRAC 6 web interface and VNC proxy
Associer un utilisateur à celui d'un container Docker
Docker Beginner's Cheatsheet : docker
Run GUI app in linux docker container on windows host - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
What would be required to successfully install docker on Android (via Termux)? · Issue #7 · nmilosev/anyfed · GitHub
10 Docker Image Security Best Practices | Snyk
Goodbye Docker: Purging is Such Sweet Sorrow – zwischenzugs
The Missing Introduction To Containerization – DevOpsLinks – Medium
Goodbye Docker and Thanks for all the Fish | Technodrone
Sécuriser et optimiser : notre liste de bonnes pratiques liées aux Dockerfiles · Journal du Hacker
Getting Started with Kubernetes Ingress-Nginx on Minikube
How to dockerize any application – Hacker Noon · Kalvn's links
danistefanovic/build-your-own-x: 🤓 Build your own (insert technology here) · Kalvn's links
Création de containers LXC sur CentOS 7
Tester ses images Docker avec Goss | blog Bearstech
Avec Docker EE 2.0, Docker intègre Kubernetes et fait sa révolution
Nextcloud 13 on FreeBSD | vermaden
LinuxKit: un Dockerfile pour constuire ses VMs ? - Objectif Libre
Configurer la résolution DNS dans Docker
La Société Générale bascule ses systèmes d'informations sous Docker
Containeri is staing in state " Removal In Progress" for 12 weeks · Issue #3434 · docker/compose · GitHub
dotmesh-io/dotmesh: dotmesh (dm) is like git for your data volumes (databases, files etc) in Docker and Kubernetes
Chapter 1. Managing Storage with Docker-formatted Containers - Red Hat Customer Portal
How to Isolate Development Environments: Vagrant vs. Docker - DevOps.com
Docker et les volumes de données (1/2) – Mon Coin du Net
Permission denied on accessing host directory in docker - Stack Overflow
Fundamentals of Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift | edX
Créer son hacklab virtuel avec docker
GitHub - clovertrail/runc at 1501-SupportOnFreeBSD
GitHub - dlangille/anvil: Tools for distributing ssl certificates
Dagda - Un outil pour analyser la sécurité de vos conteneurs Docker · Journal du Hacker
GitHub - bhuisgen/zabbix-docker: Docker monitoring agent for Zabbix
Gérer vos container avec DockerCompose · Journal du Hacker
Tests d’intégration SaltStack avec Docker | WeScale Blog
Amusez-vous à gérer les conteneurs Docker dans... Minecraft
Après avoir séduit les devs, Docker cajole les admins
Hyper - Hypervisor-agnostic Docker Runtime
Ping from inside ezjail failed | The FreeBSD Forums
Homepage - Docker, The linux container engine
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