Quotidien Shaarli

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October 22, 2024

21 Times The French Language Was Just Too Much. - The Language Nerds

Laugh out loud with these French jokes. Whether you're a language enthusiast or just curious about French culture, these funny moments are bound to make you smile.

22 Octobre 1941 : 50 otages nantais assassinés – Contre Attaque

C'était il y a 83 ans et l’artère la plus importante de la ville de Nantes porte le nom de «50 Otages». Mais qui s’en souvient vraiment ?

Demystifying Ruby ♦️ (1/3): It's all about threads -

via le taf

You Can't Read This Article Si T'es Pas Bilingue. - The Language Nerds

via @solene@bsd.network

Evil Dungeons II by Tyrvinr
Roundcube XSS flaw exploited to steal credentials, email (CVE-2024-37383) - Help Net Security

Attackers have exploited an XSS vulnerability (CVE-2024-37383) in the Roundcube Webmail client to target a governmental org of a CIS country.